Hola Amig@s,
I’ve always known how important the work of Esperanza United (formerly Casa de Esperanza) is. In Minnesota and nationally, we partner with Latin@ communities to end gender-based violence, investing in our families and celebrating our strengths. The coronavirus hit the communities we relate to particularly hard – Latin@s are experiencing some of the highest rates of infection while the severity of domestic violence does not retreat.
Never has Esperanza United been more needed and never have we been so grateful. As the need grew, our communities, again and again, rose to meet it. Old friends came through and answered the call to help. Current partners committed to contributing more. And new supporters found us, bolstering our ability to serve.
Today, I am proud to announce that MacKenzie Scott has selected Esperanza United (formerly Casa de Esperanza) as one of the 384 organizations she is supporting. Her investment infuses and bolsters our work, giving us the room to experiment and innovate, to imagine and dream, to thrive not just survive. Today is an exciting milestone but it is not the end or the beginning.
The road to racial and gender equity is long and Esperanza United has been traveling it for nearly 40 years. Vaccines may be here but it will take years to heal the damage COVID caused our community. And that is just the latest source of inequity when we all know oppression continues from sources young and old. As we look to 2021 and beyond, I am thankful to MacKenzie Scott and I am inviting you to be a part of our shared vision. It will take all of us working together, mobilizing Latin@s to end gender-based violence. I know we can do it. Come join us.
En solidaridad y esperanza,
Patti Tototzintle