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Elder abuse is any action that causes harm or distress to an older person. Elder abuse occurs within the context of trusting familial or care-taking relationships and can include neglect as well as threats or the actual use of physical, sexual, emotional, verbal, psychological, or financial abuse.
Teen dating violence (TDV) refers to intimate partner violence that occurs between two youth in a dating or romantic relationship. Like intimate partner violence in adult relationships, TDV can include physical violence, sexual violence, psychological violence, and stalking. TDV is recognized as a major public health concern that impacts adolescents from all […]
Immigration status refers to the way in which a person is present in the United States. Everyone has an immigration status. Some examples of immigration status include: US citizen Note: Although indigenous people’s roots long predate the creation of the US, they were not provided US citizenship until Congress passed the […]
These pages make up section of our factsheet, Latinas and intimate partner violencel evidence based facts. Studies have found that low awareness of resources for IPV, language and cultural differences act as significant barriers to Latina survivors’ ability to access services.
According the A Call to Men, “Healthy, respectful manhood means valuing and respecting women, girls, and LGBQ, Trans, and nonbinary people — and respecting and valuing oneself by striving to live authentically. The practice of healthy manhood is the path out of the ‘Man Box,’ and it is essential to preventing […]
The negative effects of exposure to DV on children and youth has been well documented in research. Psychological, physical, and social consequences of exposure to DV are seen across ages, cultures, and socioeconomic backgrounds. Infants who witness DV have been found to show symptoms related to PTSD such as trouble sleeping, […]
Emerging research is capturing the complex realities experienced by Latin@ children and youth exposed to domestic violence (DV). This factsheet presents research on the status of Latin@ children and youth in the United States, general facts on the prevalence and consequences of witnessing DV, unique factors that are present for Latin@ […]
This document is our full IPV factsheet of evidence-based facts about Latinas experiencing IPV. While the number of studies examining intimate partner violence (IPV) in Latina populations is growing, research on this issue continues to be limited in quality and breadth. We have compiled what we believe are the most current […]
Latin@s make up 23% of youth under the age of 18 in the U.S., and in some states, including California and New Mexico, Latin@ youth make up the largest ethnic group. While Latin@ youth demonstrate much strength, they are at higher risk for poorer social, educational, economic, and health outcomes. There […]
Individuals who are limited English proficient (LEP) are those for whom English is not their primary language and they have a limited ability to read, write, speak, or understand English. Immigrants to the United States come from many language backgrounds and while some speak English very well, approximately half of the […]