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Why evaluate a program? It is not easy knowing whether a program is working as planned, or if it needs improvements or adaptations. Like using a recipe to make a dish, we need to document what ingredients we will need and what steps we need to follow. In program evaluation, documenting […]
Systems change Systems change is a process that involves responding to an instance of lack of language access (for example) and builds on that one experience to create significant change in a system or service. The following steps were outlined through an interview with Enlace Comunitario, a social justice organization led by Latina women […]
Language access plan template This Language access template is designed to help your program create or enhance your language access plan. The template includes sample language that is relevant for working with survivors with limited English proficiency. The template is offered as a PDF document that is editable with Adobe Acrobat, […]
Bicultural and bilingual staff A staff that reflects the languages and cultures in your community is best positioned to provide all survivors with meaningful access to your advocacy services. Bilingual advocates can speak directly and unambiguously to survivors, determine if they are safe, inform them of services available, and assess whether […]
Session 1 This session is focused on exploring why language access is important to your organization and how it relates to your mission. The outcome of this session is the development or review of the foundation for the overall plan. Discuss these five questions among the group What are the benefits […]
Start a new plan Developing greater language access is a process. You have to start somewhere, and in order to fulfill your mission, commitment to community, and obligations, your plan needs to continue to evolve. The following process can help move your organization from having no Language Access Plan to your […]
Building evidence toolkit Welcome to the Building Evidence Toolkit. You may be visiting this site because you are starting to build evidence for the work that you do, are interested in enhancing your current structure for building evidence or just simply interested in learning more. Our goal is that this toolkit […]
At Esperanza United (formerly Casa de Esperanza), we work to mobilize the Latin@ community to build healthy futures. Through this series, ¡Presente! Empowering Latin@ Communities through Civic Engagement, we’ll highlight simple ways that anyone can take action, make change, and create a future you wish to see. In this episode, Esperanza […]
In this webinar we will explore finance-related policies and practices that protect organizational health and viability. This project was supported by a grant awarded to us by the Office of Violence Against Women, U.S. Department of Justice, with the goal of increasing the organizational capacity of rural, tribal, and culturally-specific and […]
This webinar discusses capacity-building strategies for OVW grantees. This project is supported by a grant from the Office on Violence Against Women, U.S. Department of Justice, to increase the organizational capacity of rural, tribal, and culturally-specific underserved OVW program grantees and their partners.