Knowledge Base
#MeToo?: Sexual harassment and low wage immigrant workers
Immigrant and migrant women are more likely than average nativex-born women to experience sexual harassment at work, and are less likely to report it. During this webinar, participants will learn about the prevalence of sexual harassment in agriculture, the legal process for making complaints about workplace harassment and discrimination, and practical remedies available to immigrant and migrant survivors and their advocates. The presenters will also speak about how non-attorney advocates can best support survivors, regardless of whether they are prepared to report workplace harassment, and how they can best work with members of the survivor’s legal team. Presenters: Corinne Guest, MSW, LCSW, Social Worker, La Puerta Abierta Liz Chacko, Esq., Attorney, Justice at Work Athena Buell Becerra, Paralegal, Justice at Work.