Esperanza United fellow Sarahy Torres conducted a literature review of sexual violence among agricultural workers. She presented her findings and methods, including how she used the artificial intelligence (AI) tool, AS Review. By demystifying this tool, Sarahy is helping more Latina researchers conduct systematic literature reviews by prioritizing and efficiently going through large volumes of academic papers.
Sarahy Torres (she,m her, ella) is a first-generation Latina college student majoring in Chicana/o and Central American Studies and Education and Social Transformation as a senior at the University of California, Los Angeles. Born and raised in Oxnard, CA, she is the proud daughter, granddaughter, and great-granddaughter of Mexican farmworkers. Her research interests are spatial geography, critical race theory, farmworker movements, women farmworkers, women’s rights, and migrant education. Through her academic/femtoring journey, she aspires to acquire the knowledge and skills to advocate for and empower mujeres.
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