Al Anon Family Group » Directory of national and local organizations

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Al Anon Family Group

Work Phone: 1-888-4AL-ANON Website:


At Al‑Anon Family Group meetings, the friends and family members of problem drinkers share their experiences and learn how to apply the principles of the Al‑Anon program to their individual situations. Younger family members and friends attend Alateen meetings.
They learn that they are not alone in the problems they face, and that they have choices that lead to greater peace of mind, whether the drinker continues to drink or not.

En las reuniones de Grupos de Familia Al-Anon, los amigos y miembros de la familia de bebedores comparten sus experiencias y aprenden a aplicar los principios del programa de Al-Anon a sus situaciones individuales.
Aprenden que no están solos en los problemas que enfrentan y que tienen opciones que conducen a una mayor tranquilidad, independientemente si el bebedor sigue bebiendo o no.