Arte Sana » Directory of national and local organizations

We understand domestic violence isn’t always the main barrier in people’s lives. Use our online community resource center below to find a directory of other services available in the community.

Arte Sana

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Arte Sana (art heals) is a national Latina-led nonprofit committed to ending sexual violence and other forms of gender-based aggressions and engage marginalized communities as agents of change. Founded in 2001, Arte Sana promotes capacity building, awareness, healing, and empowerment through bilingual professional training, community education, and the arts.

Arte Sana es una organización nacional sin fines de lucro liderada por latinas comprometida con poner fin a la violencia sexual y otras formas de agresiones basadas en el género e involucrar a las comunidades marginadas como agentes de cambio. Fundada en 2001, Arte Sana promueve el desarrollo de capacidades, la conciencia, la curación y el empoderamiento a través de la capacitación profesional bilingüe, la educación comunitaria y las artes.