Interfaith Center for Worker Justice » Directory of national and local organizations

We understand domestic violence isn’t always the main barrier in people’s lives. Use our online community resource center below to find a directory of other services available in the community.

Interfaith Center for Worker Justice

Work 2511 E Franklin Minneapolis MN Work Phone: 612-332-0663 Website:


Our organizers work to mobilize people of faith and work advocates in support of economic justice and worker rights at the local, state and national levels.
Wage Theft
Corporate Justice
Immigration Reform
Minimum Wage
Paid Sick Days
Health and Safety
Right To Organize

Nuestros organizadores trabajan para movilizar a la gente de fe y de trabajo en apoyo de la justicia económica y derechos de los trabajadores a nivel local, estatal y nacional.

Robo de salarios
Justicia Corporativa
Reforma de la Inmigración
Salario mínimo
Días de enfermedad pagos
Salud y Seguridad
Derecho a organizarse