Minnesota Multi Housing Association Renter’s Hotline » Directory of national and local organizations

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Minnesota Multi Housing Association Renter’s Hotline

Work 1600 W. 82nd Street, Suite 110 Bloomington MN 55431 Work Phone: 952-854-8500 Website: http://www.mmha.com/ABOUT


The Minnesota Multi Housing Association (MHA) has established a special hotline phone number for renters to find answers to common questions on subjects such as security deposits, leases, Certificates of Rent Paid, evictions, repairs and maintenance, cleaning, and giving notice to vacate.

Minnesota Multi Housing Association (MHA) ha establecido una linea telefonica especialmente para inquilinos, alli usted puede encontrar respuestas a preguntas comunes sobre temas tales como los depósitos de garantía, contratos de arrendamiento, Certificados de alquiler, desalojos, reparaciones y mantenimiento, limpieza, y notificaciones/aviso de desalojo .