MUJER Inc (Mujeres, Unidas en Justicia, Educacion y Reforma » Directory of national and local organizations

We understand domestic violence isn’t always the main barrier in people’s lives. Use our online community resource center below to find a directory of other services available in the community.

MUJER Inc (Mujeres, Unidas en Justicia, Educacion y Reforma

Work 28905 South Dixie Highway Homestead FL Work Phone: 305-247-1388


At M.U.J.E.R. we provide a trusting environment that promotes emotional wellness and stability by empowering individuals through advocacy, direct response to domestic and sexual abuse, and support services that strengthen families.

En M.U.J.E.R. Brindamos un entorno de confianza que promueve el bienestar y la estabilidad emocional al empoderar a las personas a través de la defensa, la respuesta directa al abuso doméstico y sexual y los servicios de apoyo que fortalecen a las familias.