By Olivia Garcia, Ph.D. About 10 years ago, I was writing my dissertation on the Violence Against Women Act and Latina survivors. Around then, I learned about the exceptional work Esperanza United (then known as Casa de Esperanza: National Latin@ Network for Healthy Families and Communities) was doing as a Health […]
The Family Violence Prevention and Services Improvement Act (FVPSA, H.R. 2119), passed in the House on Tuesday October 26th and we’re thanking everyone who voted yes on the passage of this legislation. Now we ask the Senate to pass the companion bill (S. 1275) to better serve Latin@ survivors. The Family […]
Now is the time for the Senate to introduce and pass a strong VAWA reauthorization bill. The House already passed its bill (H.R.1620) and now the Senate needs to do the same. We need a strong VAWA for all survivors that builds on H.R. 1620 now. Latin@ survivors were among the […]