Result for Research and evaluation
In 2020, Safe Havens and Esperanza United partnered to conduct two Listening Circles with Latin@1 faith leaders and community members about faith and intimate partner violence (IPV), which is also called domestic violence (DV). The reason for the Listening Circles was to provide a forum to talk about the strengths and […]
Individuals who are limited English proficient (LEP) are those for whom English is not their primary language and they have a limited ability to read, write, speak, or understand English. Immigrants to the United States come from many language backgrounds and while some speak English very well, approximately half of the […]
There are many myths about domestic violence that perpetuate a distorted view about its nature and causes. This list is a starting point; we hope that it will prompt you to examine your beliefs and provide you with helpful information.
Share your work We know that the work that you do is great and deserves to be recognized. For that reason, we created this section to invite you to share with others across the country. Please share your experience, the lessons that you have learned, or share any other information related […]
Ask an expert This section is designed for those interested in getting an answer(s) to their questions related to general or specific aspects of program evaluation. Our workgroup, which consists of a group of evaluators and community-based practitioners, will work together to respond to your questions. Workgroup members
Resources We developed this final section as an additional resource for your work. Here you will find a series of tables that include links to websites, documents, webinars, and other tools that you might find helpful in expanding your knowledge around program evaluation. Resources designed for domestic and/or sexual organizations This […]
What is our theory of change? We have learned that we are not the ones who are going to end domestic violence in the Latin@ community; it is the community who will end domestic violence. All we need to do is put the work back into their hands. In this section, […]
How is the theory of change created? A Theory of Change (also known as the Pathway of Change) is a strategy that allows us to identify and explain all of the necessary steps and conditions required to create long-term changes in our community. The Theory of Change is a strategy that […]
What is community-centered evidence-based practice (EBP)? This section explores a community-centered EBP (evidence based practice) approach that we adapted along with many test-tasters, including practitioners, community members and other researchers/evaluators. This EBP approach is meant to align with the work of community-based, culturally-specific organizations that work alongside community members. We hope […]
Background on the building evidence toolkit In this section of our toolkit, we invite you to explore and learn about community-centered evidence. This is the foundation for how we think about evidence and documenting evidence. In other words, this section includes the special ingredients for our meals. In our case, our […]