The strategy is simple: Tell the truth — that is, that sex and sexuality are pleasures as well as responsibilities.
As children are exposed to new ideas and experiences, it can be hard to know what to say. Nobody has all of the answers; what is most important is to keep your conversations going. The discussions are about more than just sex — they are about puberty, changes in bodies, sexual desires versus sexual actions, and knowing and understanding healthy sexuality. Conversations about it should be about aspects of sexuality that are not sexual, as well.
The question then becomes, what is your role as a parent in that process? The stages of healthy sexuality listed in this section will help you navigate that role as your children go through this learning process so they can better understand what healthy sexuality looks like.
Even if conversations about sexuality feel overwhelming, the first 20 seconds are the most difficult. After that, conversations become easier.
We know that many young people engage in sex. Even those who are not will likely experience a wide variety of reasons to make them think they should, such as:
So what can a parent or adult caregiver do? How can you help children not just make sense of these pressures and feelings, but also make healthy decisions when they do have sex? How can you help them make decisions that will help protect them and their partners from sexually transmitted infections and unwanted pregnancy while still recognizing the benefits of healthy sexuality?
Although we recognize that while many of us might agree parents should be honest and accessible to their children to talk about sexuality, it can be difficult to figure out how exactly we can do that. The following questions, adapted from the Parents’ Sex Ed Center at Advocates for Youth, provide some initial guidance as to where to start:
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