Our community says NO MÁS

Te invito: Videos

Te Invito is a toolkit developed by Esperanza United as a collection of resources and materials for individuals and organizations to increase awareness and engage Latino men and boys in preventing domestic violence. In this toolkit, you will find information about programs that have been documented to work effectively, key cultural considerations, a customizable PSA campaign that organizations can use in their local area, and suggestions for how individuals can become more involved in working to end domestic violence. Visit teinvito.org for information about this toolkit.

Below are two videos in which former Esperanza United director Juan Carlos Areán explores masculinity and what it means for men and women.

What is traditional masculinity?

Juan Carlos Areán explains the concept of traditional masculinity and the implications for our society.

Why get involved?

Juan Carlos Areán explains why men should get involved in the movement to end violence against women and girls.


Te Invito is a campaign for individuals and organizations to increase awareness and engage Latino men and boys in preventing domestic violence. Access Te Invito materials and resources here.