Most of the published literature on DV interventions with men is from intervention programs run by social service organizations, individual therapists, or criminal justice agencies (Saunders, 2008). In very few cases, these programs are delivered by Latin@ community-based organizations. Few existing studies evaluate the effectiveness of programs for Latino men. Nevertheless, the literature base does offer important knowledge of various programs that have been utilized with Latino men, reviewed below.
Commentary: The first two studies included in this section parallel in a small scale the state of research on batterers’ intervention, with contradicting results and confusion about the efficacy of programs. The last study also echoes another mainstream reality: a significant gap between what some researchers and practitioners think about the success of the interventions.
Whether a program is culturally informed or not (and the great majority are not), the truth is that most programs for men who batter are grossly underfunded. As our colleague Dr. Etiony Aldarondo has pointed out: “It is almost hypocritical to expect positive results from a field that receives practically no funding from public or private sources.”
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