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Although many prevention programs documented in the literature are limited in their inclusion of Latino men, a growing number of publications are beginning to document information for developing approaches relevant to Latino men.

  • An evaluation of 309 participants indicates that Hombres Unidos Contra la Violencia Familiar has shown promising results with Latino migrant men on changing their attitudes, behavior and willingness to intervene and prevent DV.
  • Preliminary results of a qualitative study of the Men’s Story Project conducted by the University of California–San Francisco indicates that live productions can stimulate attitude and behavioral changes towards gender norms and develop healthier relationships.
  • The results of eight quasi-experimental studies on Instituto Promundo Program H  in Latin America, sub-Saharan Africa, Asia, and the Balkans found evidence of positive changes in attitudes and behavior toward greater gender-equity.
  • A randomized-controlled trial following 2,000 athletes for one year in 16 high schools in Sacramento, California showed that Coaching Boys Into Men (CBIM) increases intentions to intervene and recognition of abusive behavior. These findings were confirmed by a subsequent evaluation one year after the end of the trial period.

Commentary: These programs were developed as alternative approaches for working with diverse populations. Evaluation results confirmed that they’ve changed attitudes and behavior towards women and prevented DV. Despite positive results, these programs represent small gains; a great deal still needs to be done to work with Latino men.