Building evidence


We developed this final section as an additional resource for your work. Here you will find a series of tables that include links to websites, documents, webinars, and other tools that you might find helpful in expanding your knowledge around program evaluation.

Resources designed for domestic and/or sexual organizations

This table includes resources that are designed specifically to provide you with more information and tools around evaluation for prevention efforts and also in the area of advocacy. As you will see, it includes products by other organizations, including tools developed by the CDC specifically for our field. Here you can find free tools and materials that you can download and use.

Resources on logic models

Here, you will find information about organizations, universities, foundations, and other groups that have developed different tools for the design of logic models. 

Organization Description Website
W.K Kelloff Foundation Logic Model Development Guide This guide provides basic and useful information on how to develop a logic model. <a href="">
Child Welfare Information Gateway Logic Model Builder Designed for organization working on child welfare issues, this website offers information and a tool to build a logic model step-by-step <a href="">
University of Wisconsin Extension: Program Development and Evaluation In this section of this website you can find a step by step tool to design a logic model. <a href="">
University of Arizona This website provides a concept, a basic tool, and examples of logic models. <a href="">
National Libraries of Medicine Guide 5: Define How a Program Will Work -The Logic Model Here, you can find general and simple information on how to develop a logic model plus links to other website resources. <a href="">
The Pell Institute and Pathways to College Network: Evaluation Toolkit-Using a Logic Model Here, you can find a step by step tool to design a logic model. <a href="">

Resources on theory of change

This table includes additional resources focused specifically on theory of change. It includes documents from organizations and links to non-profits who offer services to help others develop their own theory of change. 

Culturally specific evaluators

In this table you will find information on evaluators that have experience working with culturally specific community organizations.

General resources

Here, you will find a variety of resources, such as webinars and manuals on topics like how to conduct a needs assessment and how to collect data. In addition, you will find general information on some private organization that provide specific services and products on evaluation. 

Organization Description Website
Spark Policy Institute: Farm to School Evaluation Toolkit As part of the toolkits developed for social innovators, this tool provides useful, friendly information on how to conduct an evaluation of a farm to school program. However, some of the tools can be easily adapted to other circumstances. <a href="">
Rural Youth Development: Youth Leading Community Change: An Evaluation Toolkit Designed to be used with rural youth and adult facilitators. This youth friendly tool will help the users to measure the impact of their community projects. <a href="">
Instructional Assessment Resources University of Texas This website provides guidance and examples of an educational program evaluation. <a href="">
University of Arizona This website provides basic tools and concepts, specific examples, and links to in-depth resources to support evaluation and program planning. <a href="">
University of Kansas: Community Tool Box This toolkit is one of the most comprehensive online resources available to general public. <br> Here you will find guidebooks, videos, sections focused on specific topics, and many examples from across the globe. <a href="">

Resources for further study

We compiled this list of authors and their work for those interested in expanding their knowledge on different approaches to evaluation. This is a small sample of the many books out there on program evaluation.

Author Year Title
Mertens, Donna M. 2009 Transformative Research and Evaluation
Mertens, Donna M. 2012 Program Evaluation Theory and Practice
Fetterman, David M., <br> Kaftarian, Shakeh J., & <br> Wandersman, Abraham 2015 Empowerment Evaluation: Knowledge and tools for self-assessment, evaluation capacity building, and accountability
Clarke, Alan, & Dawson, Ruth 2005 Empowerment Evaluation Principles and Practice
Barret, Nancy F. 2004 Program Evaluation: A step-by-step guide
Fixsen, Dean L., Naoom, Sandra F., Blase, Karen A., Friedman, Robert M., & Wallace, Frances 2005 Implementation Research: A synthesis of the Literacture

Helpful measures

Thanks to the work of Lisa Goodman, Cris Sullivan, Sherry Hamby and many others, we are able to offer to you these measurement tools. These tools were developed exclusively for the domestic violence field and include:

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