Language access

Direct advocacy tools

Language identification cards and posters

  • Minnesota Department of Human Services: This is a fairly comprehensive list of resources for Limited English Proficient individuals, including language interpreter cards, interpreter posters and other tools.


  • City of Philadelphia: language access cards in 11 languages for access to services in the City of Philadelphia. You can request printed versions of the cards from the Office of Immigrant Affairs.
  • California Department of Social Services: these I Speak cards in 16 different languages are for persons with limited English proficiency to carry and/or for service providers to place in their files. The double-sided cards (English on one side and one of 16 languages on the other) request language assistance services for the individual
  • Massachusetts Legal Services: Interpreter services poster that informs the individual they have the right to an interpreter at no cost to them, and instructs them to point to their language and wait while an interpreter is called. Or you make your own version of this poster
  • See the identifying spoken languages section for additional tools and ideas.

Spanish language or translated materials