Language access

Trainings, glossaries, and curricula

Continuous education is necessary for Language Access since language evolves with new words, phrases.


There are many unique terms for language access that are necessary for everyone (victims and advocates) need to know. Here are some resources on terminology. We encourage you to develop your own glossaries.

  1. Glossary on domestic violence and trauma
  2. Glosario de términos relacionados/Glossary of domestic violence and sexual assault vocabulary in Spanish

Trainings offered by Esperanza United

Esperanza United has a team of experts that can provide training on a variety of topics including but not limited to:

  • Culture and language
  • Why language access matters
  • Developing a language access plan
  • Implementing your language access plan
  • Monitoring and compliance for language access
  • Language access within systems
  • Bi/multi-culturalism
  • Ensuring quality of interpreters and translators
  • Community responses to language access

Please contact us by emailing us at:

Previously recorded trainings

Esperanza United also has a YouTube channel with recorded trainings on Language Access. Additionally, here are 2 more webinars that may be useful.

  1.  Ensuring Meaningful Access to Survivors with Limited English Proficiency – Webinar Recording, presented by Rosie Hidalgo, JD, former Director of Public Policy at the National Latin@ Network. A short registration form is required to access the webinar.
  2. Law Enforcement and Language Access is a webinar that focuses on issues of language access for law enforcement officials.


Join us for a conversation over cafecito. We have gathered expertise and words of wisdom from a variety of practitioners, researchers and advocates.  Access our podcasts.

LAP resources and curricula

Language access: Considerations and recommendations for advocates supporting survivors of violence, a report by the Office on Violence Against Women (OVW), a component of the United States Department of Justice, provided grant through its Translators and Interpreters Services Initiative to improve accessibility of program services.

The Interpretation resource guide for advocates and attorneys is a collection of information, tips, tools, and resources on working with interpreters to ensure language access in domestic violence agencies. The resource guide covers: Language access rights & laws, Interpretation, Finding, qualifying & working with interpreters, Tools & resources.